Our Refresher Program
This 1-session meeting is a great way to remove the rust off your dive skills. If it’s been longer than a year since your last dive, we recommend hopping in with us for a few hours! It doesn’t matter the training agency you got certified with, we’ll get you shaped up before your next trip!
Tuition: $140 per person
Custom Built
Our refresher courses are offered on a custom schedule. You tell us what you need and when and we find you an instructor! This means these sessions can be used to also try new equipment or practice specific skills you will need. No matter your needs, these sessions involve a little bit of classroom work to make sure you’re still studied up on the basics. Then, a splash in our wonderfully warm and clear on-site pool!
You don’t need your own scuba equipment; however, you do need your own personal snorkeling equipment.
Scuba equipment rentals during refreshers are $20.

These refreshers are meant to be a guided 1 session course for anyone that was once a skilled and comfortable diver. If it’s been several decades, or you got certified and immediately stopped diving, you might need several sessions. While scuba certifications don’t technically expire, if we believe you would greatly benefit from re-doing the Open Water Certification, our store staff might suggest that before registering you for a refresher. Also, if our instructors find you need more than one session before they are comfortable signing off on your refresher, they have that right.
We want to keep everyone comfortable and safe underwater. That starts with proper training.