The Breakdown
The course is broken down into 3 main parts, each described in more detail throughout this guide.
Digital Materials: $150
The online study material we use is through Scuba Schools International (SSI). This material can be accessed through their online platform or app.
Pool Sessions: $400
Typically students finish these in 4 4-hour sessions. They do vary based on student’s comfort. So if you want to take things slower or want an extra pool session before your certification dives, we can do that! That’s the beauty of doing all personalized 1-on-1 schedules and having our own pool. We’re here to help you with your scuba journey! Each additional session is $100.
Certification Dives: $200
These are normally done in 2 4-hour sessions and include 5 open water dives. We usually do these in our local quarry, Fantasy Lake Scuba Park. The other popular option is to get certified during our Key Largo trips. We run several throughout the year and can even build custom ones!
If you wish to get certified elsewhere, we can also set up referral paperwork.

The Equipment
The snorkeling equipment is not available as a rental and you’ll have to have your own when you arrive for the 1st day. Luckily, you can get all that here! Everything fits differently underwater, so if you have any problem with your equipment, let us know! We have demo equipment your instructor can grab during class to really see what works best.
The snorkeling equipment includes:
- Mask
- Snorkel
- Fins
- Boots
We highly recommend purchasing your own Total Dive System. This way you’ll learn in your own equipment, find equipment that 100% works for you and your needs, and never have to worry about equipment again! Most places you visit for your future scuba adventures will have rental equipment, but there is no guarantee it’ll be a brand you recognize or even something you like.
We recommend buying your own Total Dive System so much that we’ll refund your Pool Sessions and Certification dives if you do so with us.
To qualify for this you’ll have to additionally purchase:
- Regulator (1st Stage, Primary 2nd Stage, and Alternate Air Source)
- Buoyancy Compensator Device (BCD)
- Dive Computer
- Wetsuit
Before the First Session
Before the first class you’ll need to have these done:
- Finish setting up your SSI profile with your address and profile image
- Complete the mandatory documents on your SSI profile. You can find your forms by navigating to “Personal Data > Documents” in the upper right-hand navigation bar of the SSI online portal. Or, you can go to “” and fill out the forms labeled “Mandatory”. Note, depending on your answers on your medical form, you might have to have an MD or DO sign off before you can hop in the water.
- Complete the first 3 sections of the SSI Open Water Diver
- Purchase your snorkeling equipment which includes: mask, snorkel, fins, and boots
- If you purchased a new mask, scrub out the inside with mask scrub or plain toothpaste
- You may notice a Nitrox course material on your profile, check in with your instructor on when that material is due

SSI Digital Material
We will register you for your SSI profile and coursework. You should get an automated email from SSI to log into the system. Click the link in the email and finish setting up your profile.
To start your first course navigate through these selections: “Programs & Cards” > “Find Courses” > “Open Water Diver” > Select “View First Page” in green.
SSI SitePacking list for day 1

The Certification Dives
The Quarry
We normally do certification dives at our local quarry, Fantasy Lake Adventure Park.
Before your first day of checkout dives, you will have to stop by the shop for your rental dive equipment. This is included in your certification dive price. If you have your own equipment, you’ll be grabbing cylinders and weights. If you do not, you’ll also be grabbing a BCD and regulator.
Location: 3601 Quarry Rd, Rolesville, NC 27571
It is your responsibility to check your rental equipment before leaving the dive shop. There isn’t a shop at the quarry.
This check includes a dry inhalation check, a pressure check of your cylinders, and an inhalation check with the air on. Your dive instructor will go over all these skills in class. If you forget anything during your pick-up, ask our staff and we’ll go over anything you need!
Packing list for your checkout dives